Submit A Guest Post – And Reach Our Entire Network

Are you a personal trainer? An expert at building muscle? Do you have an impressive skinny-to-muscular story to share? Are you a nutrition expert who wants to share advice with skinny guys that can help them gain weight?

Then you should submit a guest blog post to Weight Gain Network!

Here’s What You Get When You Submit A Guest Blog Post:

  • An article on which gets exposed to over 40,000 visitors per month.
  • A link back to your website.
  • Your own author profile page on with your picture, link to your website, social media profiles, a bio, and a list of links to all the articles you have written for so readers can easily find your other articles.
  • A spot on the home page in the “Most Recent Articles” section.
  • Exposure to Weight Gain Network’s entire social media network:
    • YouTube: Your article gets turned into a YouTube video and posted to the WeightGainNetwork YouTube Channel. Exposure to our 7,000+ subscribers when the video is posted.
    • Facebook: A link to your article gets posted to our Facebook wall and exposed to 2,000+ followers who may “like” your article and share it with their friends.
    • Email: We send an email to our subscriber list of over 50,000+ men who want to gain weight and build muscle.
    • Press Release: When your article goes live we have a press release professionally written and submitted to PRWeb will distribute the press release to over 30,000 bloggers and journalists. News outlets include the New York Times, Los Angeles Times and the Chicago Tribune.

Here Are The Rules Of Guest Posting:

  • The blog post must be written in standard US or UK English. If your English skills are poor then the article won’t be accepted. If you have poor English skills then please have your guest post proofread before submitting it. Poor quality articles are: boring, poor grammar, poorly formatted, or if it sounds like you don’t really know what you’re talking about.
  • The post must provide real value to the reader. If you give us a poor-quality article, everyone looses. The blog post doesn’t rank in search engines and bring visitors, and the visitors who do see the article will not finish reading it – and will not be likely to follow your link to your website. (Remember, this website gets high-quality traffic and real eyeballs on your articles!)
  • You must have a Google+ Profile. if you don’t already have one. This will bring you more visitors to your website in 2 ways: Your Google+ profile picture will show up in Google Search results. This brings more traffic to your article, which promotes you as an expert… and it brings more traffic to your own Google+ profile. Watch this video to see how to link your Google+ profile to
  • The post must be 1,000+ words. This benefits everyone. You, me, and the reader. It benefits YOU because Google loves webpages with a good amount of content. This will ensure good rankings in the search engines and more eyeballs on your post. It will also be a good experience for the reader who will enjoy your article and click on your link.
  • Use subheads to break up the content. Nobody wants to read a huge block of text. That’s boring! We need your blog post to engage readers. Have a look at this blog post and notice how it is broken up into different sub-topics. The author also uses bullet points, charts, and bold formatting to lay out the content in a way that’s easily digested by the reader.
  • You should create an avatar at (Optional.) Once your article goes live on, it will be exposed to a REAL audience of men who want to gain weight and build muscle. If you want to continue promoting yourself, you can engage with your readers in the comments section and continue the discussion. will allow you to add a profile picture to all of your blog comments. This will let people know you’re a “real person” and it will draw more attention to your blog comment and get even more eyeballs on you.

Here’s How To Submit Your Guest Post:

So you wrote your article and you’re ready to send it in to us… Simply attach it to an email in a Word or Text document. Send the email to: editor [at] weightgainnetwork {dot} com.

We’ll review your submission and notify you when it has been accepted with a link to the live URL where it was posted. If there’s something wrong with the article we’ll let you know and you’ll have the opportunity to correct and re-submit the article.

Guest Posting Benefits Recap:

Here’s a quick recap of the benefits you’ll receive by writing a guest post for Weight Gain Network:

Premium Google Search Results Listing

Your guest blog post will receive extra attention from people searching in Google for your topic. is equipped to show your Google+ profile picture in search results next to your blog post!

Here’s an example of how it looks (Notice which listing stands out the most):

Jeff masterson search resutls


A Link Back To Your Website & Your Own Author Profile

You’ll have your own author page where you’ll be able to promote your website as well as your social media profiles.

author profile example


Your Article Turned Into A Video Getting You Massive Exposure On YouTube

Each article on gets turned into an engaging video narrated by a professional voice talent – for those who would rather watch and listen to your ideas instead of reading…

youtube video example


Exposure To Our Facebook Fans

Each time you publish an article on we’ll make a post on our Facebook wall letting everyone know that a new article has been published and encouraging people to read it.

People can “Like” this Facebook post, and your article link could go viral, bringing even more visitors to your article and getting to know your name!

facebook wall post


A Press Release

That’s right… We even submit a $200 press release to promoting your article. The article will receive exposure to over 30,000 journalists and news outlets.

pr web submission

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