This is episode 2 in Troy’s “Science Of Getting Bigger” video series. In this video Troy covers the 5 mass building exercises you’re probably not doing… But should be!
These exercises are going to help you look bigger, build up major muscle groups, and help you with common weak points that many guys suffer from, like shoulders, lower back, hamstrings, and abs.
Your challenge is to do 10 total sets of these 5 exercises over the next week.
I am 57, When I was young I workout for 20 years. I was 220 naturaly. I trained for strength and not for the pump.I worked out in Golds Gym in Miami Fla. I had a mentor Donnie Hale a natural body builder from the 60’s. I had to stop working out because of work were I worked 12 hours a day 6 days a week. I am out of shape I had a bad car accident that disabled me. My doctor told me to start going to the gym. but I don’t know were to start. I am saving up for your course but it will take me a few months to save the money. What workout do you reccomend to start again?
I’m old school and was trained in the old ways by Donnie Hale who competed in the 60’s. Your channel is great. This video is gold! The one about 5 mass exercises your not doing is my favorite video. Keep on doing these videos they are on point!